Sunday, April 29, 2007

Here it is. Brand new Call of Duty 4 trailer. I can't waint to play this. And it definitely looks like Call of Duty is going in a different direction, for better or worse will certainly be determined by players and sales. It looks like we've got some nasty "Eastern Europeans" and jihadists. We'll see...

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Beginning

So this is the first post of my new blog :D

Focus in this one will be on games. Computer games. I will post news about new releases, console wars, gaming hardware (graphic cards, gaming rigs...) and sometimes even reviews of games which impressed me.

Now comes the main part: something about me :D. My name is Ahmet. I'm from Bosnia. I have 17 years and I am gamer since I was 10. My first "contact" with gaming was on Play Station 1. Then PC came, PS2 and now these next generation systems. I'm at high school now (grammar school) and I can't play games whole day like in elementary :D So, in average, I spent few hours gaming a day. That number is much higher on weekend days :D

At the moment, I'm playing four games. First one is OGame. I play it on "local" server ( for two years and I have no plans to stop playing it :D OGame is MMO browser based games and you'll se "in-depth" look at OGame in new posts. Second game is Battlefield 2. You all must have heard about it. It's multiplayer shooter set in middle east. I also play that on "local" sever ( and sometimes on Rulez server. Third game is Call of Duty 2. I'm not hardcore COD player but from time to time I play few hq rounds or pure deathmatch rounds on Toujane in LAN. And the last, but not the least, is the Command & Conquer: Tiberium wars. I bought this game week ago and I'm still noob in it. Now I'm at ACTIII of GDI campaign and when I finish the campaigns I’ll get on multiplayer.

So that would be it for the beginning. Stay tuned later this day because Infinity Ward will announce new Call of Duty 4 and I will let you know what they said :D